Exhibition to include several works never before seen in the United States Friday, January 25, 2008 – Syracuse University today announced that the SUArt Galleries in Syracuse and the Louise and Bernard Palitz Gallery at SU’s Joseph I. Lubin House in New York City will ...Read the rest

Centro’s Connective Corridor bus will not be running during Syracuse University’s semester break.  Service will resume on Thursday, January 17 and will continue to operate throughout the spring semester.  During the spring semester, free transportation between the University Hill and downtown Syracuse will continue to ...Read the rest

The Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund of CNY is teaming with Syracuse University, SUNY Upstate Medical University, National Grid and local cultural organizations and businesses along the Connective Corridor for the first Baldwin Corridor Cultural Crawl (BCCC) April 25 and 26, 2008. Planned ...Read the rest

Connective Corridor event will feature brass, choir and handbell performances  Kelly Homan Rodoski (315) 443-5381 The Syracuse University Brass Ensemble (SUBE), the Hendricks Chapel Choir and the Hendricks Chapel Handbell Ringers will come together on Sunday, Dec. 2, to present “Holidays at Hendricks,” the annual ...Read the rest

Holiday Event to Feature Tree Lighting and Live Performances Centro and Syracuse University are offering free park-and-ride service on the Connective Corridor bus to the Sixth Annual “Holiday Magic in the Square” in Clinton Square on Friday, Nov. 23. Those attending the holiday extravaganza will ...Read the rest

by Erica Blust The Urban Video Project (UVP) will present “Perte de Signal,” its sixth volume of outdoor multimedia projections, on Thursday, Nov. 15, from 6–9 p.m. at 444 E. Genesee St. (across from the Fayette Firefighter’s Memorial Park). The projections will take place regardless ...Read the rest

The 40 Below Public Arts Task Force is partnering with the Assisi Center and Northside Collaboratory on Oh Snap, a new interactive public art initiative on Syracuse’s Northside. The project will develop a portable photo booth that will be taken into neighborhoods allowing residents to ...Read the rest

On Sunday December 9, from 2 until 4 pm, the Onondaga Historical Association is offering a special treat for the holiday season.  Stop in to the OHA Museum and enjoy the opportunity to meet a special visitor from the past, Charles Dickens, whose free presentation ...Read the rest

Syracuse University will present the lecture “Making Space for Art” by curator Mary Jane Jacob Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 7 p.m. in Grant Auditorium. The lecture is free and open to the public. Discounted paid parking is available in the Irving Garage. Visitors should mention ...Read the rest

Artist’s work can be seen through downtown Syracuse  Internationally known sculptor David Hayes will lecture on his work at noon, Wednesday, Oct. 31, at the Redhouse, 201 S. West St. The talk is free, and patrons may bring a brown bag lunch. Hayes will describe his ...Read the rest