Free Bus

The Connective Corridor Bus is a free loop bus service between University Hill and downtown Syracuse

Receive text alerts or e-mails if there are unexpected service disruptions or detours.  It’s easy to sign up for Centro’s E-alert system: or you can also check Centro’s detour page for detours that may be in effect.  Click here if we have information about current Connective Corridor detours.

Other questions about bus stops, service issues or other concerns? Contact Centro: (315) 442-3400 or Syracuse University Parking & Transit: (315) 443-4652. 

Lose something on the bus?  Call Centro customer service at ( 315)442-3400 or connect on-line at

(Note: Warehouse Express Shuttle and Copper Beech services are provided by independent operators through SU Parking & Transit Services.  A SU faculty, staff or student ID is required for these shuttle services. Please check the SU Parking & Transit Services website for the current shuttle schedules.)

Three free mobile app options for real time CC bus tracking:

Centro’s new Bus Tracker 

iOS USE Mobile App (developed by SU faculty and grad student)



Android BUS ME
