(Above) Syracuse University drama students at a “paver performance” celebrating the opening of Syracuse Stage’s new interactive plaza. Students performed an improv to “Encounters with the White Whale” — a composition by Emmett Van Slyke – Black Lagoon Productions designed for special interface musical pavers created by SenSyr. The new soundscape helps launch Syracuse Stage’s 40th anniversary and its opening show, Moby Dick.
(Below) Plaza designer Joe Sisko, assistant director of UPSTATE: A Center for Design, Research and Real Estate Development, and SenSyr founder / Syracuse University Physics Professor Ed Lipson, with a fan trying out the new soundscape that features nautical sounds.
(Below) The maestro behind the musical pavers is Emmett Van Slyke, a composer, music designer, producer, performer, educator and owner of Black Lagoon Productions. He is proficient in genres ranging from country to blues, folk, jazz, classical, rock, renaissance and hip-hop, and has numerous degrees in music, performance, recording engineering and literature. The winner of many prestigious music awards, Emmett performs in many musical groups and has worked with some of the top performers around the country. More info at: www.blacklagoonproductions.com
Syracuse Stage’s plaza redesign is a Connective Corridor initiative that brings urban design, public art, performance and innovative interactive technology to life in a dynamic new downtown gathering space.
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