Connective Corridor Photo Album
- Hybrid green bike lanes
- Popular jogging path
- Duratherm crosswalks
- Growing bicycle culture in Syracuse
- Bike racks the length of the Corridor
- One of the most popular features of the Corridor is the new green bike network
- Award winning complete greenstreetscape
- New streetscape by the CNY Philanthropy Center
- University Ave. complete green streetscape
- Fayette streetscape enjoying new use
- East Genesee Street bike lanes
- Creating a bike and pedestrian friendly city
- Urban pathways
- Green infrastructure
- A Corridor bike tour by NoExcusesSyr
- Expanding bistro seating
- Corridor red bistro sets bring the streetscape to life
- Syraviews — Corridor public art stereoscopes in Forman Park
- S.ALT Mural as part of the CC public art program
- Facade improvements and enhanced outdoor seating
- Forman Park design by Olin
- Seating at Forman Park designed by Olin with Syracuse University’s School of Architecture
- Redesigned Forman Park features a beautiful fountain
- Volunteers at Forman Park tulip planting
- CVPA students at the Warehouse help with design
- Student dancers in Forman Park
- Students perform in Forman Park
- 40 Below helps the Corridor host a food truck rodeo
- Su students enjoying activites in the newly redesigned Forman Park
- Volunteers at Corridor beautification days
- Fall cleanup helpers
- Retired police officers have “adopted” Forman Park
- Corridor-funded public art
- Facade improvements are helping preserve and restore the City’s historic downtown
- CVPA students designed the Corridor bus wraps
- More than 70 well-marked bus stops along the free Connective Corridor bus route
- Bus stop seating along the free Connective Corridor bus route
- Colorful Connective Corridor buses
- Performances on the bus
- Redesigned plaza at Syracuse Stage featuring a “singing sidewalk”
- Connective Corridor funded gateway signage
- CVPA designed social media – public art installations
- UVP Urban Cinematheque
- UVP Urban Cinematheque
- Food truck rodeos along the Corridor
- Corridor cafe — a project to line the streets with festive bistro sets
- The MOST — A Corridor arts and cultural partner
- The Everson — A Corridor arts and cultural partner
- Downtown Corridor bus stops
- Public art mural at the Erie Canal Musuem, funded by the Connective Corridor
- Mule Days of Summer at Erie Canal Musuem
- Mural artist with Erie Canal curator Dan Ward
- Lovely Erie Canal mural along the Corridor – a facade improvement project
- Water Street mural along the original Erie Canal
- The Civic Strip of the Corridor
- St. Paul’s Cathedral – site of facade improvements and public art
- City Hall
- Civic Center
- Historic downtown architecture along the Corrdior
- A landscape of architectural gems
- New signage marks the Corridor pathway
- Temple Concord — site for Corridor public art and facade enhancments
- Grace Episcopal Church – site of facade improvements and public art
- Brendan Rose — Corridor-funded as Syracuse’s first public artist in residence
- Corridor public artist Colleen Woolpert
- The SYRACUSE brand
- Red awnings pop along the Corridor through a facade improvement program
- Armory Square along the Connective Corridor
- Connective Corridor University Ave Bike Bicycle Lane
- Connective Corridor – new Warehouse entry
- Connective Corridor – new greenspace, lighting and seating
- Connective Corridor Armory Square Gateway Park
- Connective Corridor – Armory Square Gateway – Creekwalk
- View of Downtown along the Corridor
- The Creekwalk is a two-mile linear path intersecting the CC
- The Creekwalk intersects the CC
- Creekwalk Commons – new downtown student housing
- Creekwalk Commons – new development on the CC
- Just a memory now …
- Team leaders from B&L and the City
- Working closely with local businesses
- Getting ready for porous pavers and green infrastructure
- A complex infrastructure project
- Two miles of street reconstruction
- SU interns on the CC job
- Decorative solar pavers
- Innovative bike racks at the Erie Canal Musuem
- CC construction in front of CNYCF
- Celebrating the completion of Phase II/III streetscape construction
- Project partners
- Mayor Miner at CC celebration
- Otto loves the Corridor
- US DOT / FHWA ceremonial paver
- Project partners install commemorative streetscape pavers
- Installing the last pavers
- New entry plaza
- Branded recycling receptacles
- CC decorative pavers create red carpet treatment
- CC-funded public art project — painted rail bridges
- Live performances on the CC bus
- Glorious CC tulip display each spring
- Check out the tulips each spring
- Forman Park comes alive with CC tulips
- Hundreds of tulips planted in Forman Park
- Darwin hybrid oxford tulips planted along the Corridor
- Bus stop seating
- Red tulips bloom along the Corridor
- CFAC on the Corridor
- Facade improvements
- Syracuse Stage Plaza project
- Facade improvements/bus shelter
- Facade project
- Corridor bus at streetparty
- Red tulip project
- East Genesee streetscape
- Student projects for the CC
- Student projects for the CC